Do you need a Smartphone with 3-4GB of RAM, or more?


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I recently read a story which said the Samsung Galaxy S4 will have 3GB of RAM . This is more RAM then a lot of low-end Windows Vista and 7 computers.

Do you think having 3GB of RAM on a Smartphone will increase the performance for the average user?

3GB of RAM would be good for multi-tasking, 3D gaming, and HD video watching.

I think it would be good for gaming, but current phones with 1GB, and 2GB of RAM seem to perform fast.

I kind of feel the S4 would have 4GB of RAM instead of 3GB because most PC, Laptops, Smartphones, Tablets, and other devices you buy at a store usually have a even number or RAM like 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, etc since it sounds better then 3GB, 7GB, 15GB of RAN