Do you notice people play music louder in their cars, but play music not as loud when on the streets


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I notice a lot of people like to play their music louder in their cars, but do not play their music as loud when they are at the park, outdoors with their music players, boom boxes, musical instruments, electric guitars, etc.

But, street performers sometimes play their music pretty loud since they need to get notice for people to throw some money in their comtainers, or buy their CDs.

I guest people are less shy in their car then on the streets with their boom box since I guest if I were to play the Sailor Moon or Inuyasha theme songs with a boom box. I will attract a lot of attention, and people who don't like J-pop will make fun of my taste in music. I use head phones when I am out.
the simple reason is that people can't do nothing while having loud music going on in their car. but if they have it going on in public areas someone could come up to them and make them turn it off.
QUOTE (NBK*Twitch @ July 31, 2009 01:11 pm) Yeah I notice that alot myself.

Ofcourse they have the right too since in their car they are always moving and not effecting just a few people.
Unless they are not moving and showing off their loud car stereo systems to their group of friends in the parking lot.

I typically would not say anything to people who play loud music in public places since they are usually very big men with a muscular bodies. Plus, I don't want to start a fight, so I move on to a quiet place.