Do you notice that Internet Explorer 8 is slow when multiple tabs are open?


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Yes I notice my computer becomes very slow when I have more then 5 tabs open sometimes in IE8.
wouldn't know as I don't use IE8. But it could be a number of things causing the slowness which can range on how your computer is, what is loaded on the tab, or the fact that IE just fails.
Yes I have.. with as many as 4 tabs, my computer runs as though I had more than 15 tabs open in Opera.

Though, the slowness might have to do with the fact that IE spawns a new process for each tab you have open. I know this because I had 8 of the same process, and when I closed one, they all, as well as IE, disappeared. This is one of the many reasons why I don't use IE, and it is why I'll always opt for Opera and Firefox instead.
Yes I have.. with as many as 4 tabs, my computer runs as though I had more than 15 tabs open in Opera.

Though, the slowness might have to do with the fact that IE spawns a new process for each tab you have open. I know this because I had 8 of the same process, and when I closed one, they all, as well as IE, disappeared. This is one of the many reasons why I don't use IE, and it is why I'll always opt for Opera and Firefox instead.

I notice the same thing, too. I notice I get more script errors in IE like "a Script is slowing down IE. Do you want to disable the script the script" msg box.
I still don't understand why they felt the need to have it spawn a new process for each tab that is open.. Opera and Firefox don't do this.. and so I really don't understand their thought process behind this.

the simple answer is because they make IE to fail.
I don't think they will because they are still the most popular browser out there.. but that might be in part to the fact that most people may not be smart enough or savvy enough to make the change.. it is probably comparable to the number of people still using the default password on their voicemail.
I don't think they will as well either since MS still has a large share of the browser market, but I think as people move to other browsers. IE needs to make improvements.