Do you plan to work in the tech industry?


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I want to be a Web developer someday. I also wouldn't mind being a programmer since making programs are fun.
Yes, I plan too. I'm already taking computer prgramming (which is my easiest and best class) and lan to major in that when I go to college.
yes I plan to take a tech career, but I don't know which one yet.... any suggestions?
I suggest something web related because the internet is going to be huger then it is now, someday. For example, In 10 years, I bet every new car, and television will be able to connect to the internet.

As broadband becomes cheaper and faster people will run programs and on their web browser like Google Docs, Youtube, and other program.

Disks and Hard drive on personal computer won't be as important since every thing can be easily upload online and quickly access online.

Writing Flash, PHP, Java, and other internet programs will be huge.

Maybe someday Photoshop can be runed within a browser.

Web devoptment and web programming is going to be huge.