Do you prefer dialogue or action in an anime


Well-Known Member
I like dialogue more than action. It's always great to see a fight, but I want to know the reason for the fight. For example, when Naruto and Sasuke fought, that fight had been built up for the whole entire series. The thoughts that each had about each other helped to intensify the fight.
I agree, I'm much more a diaglogue kind of guy. I enjoy the story more than the action, it's just more important. If I wanted to see action, I would watch an action movie, where it feels/looks more realistic.

I usually enjoy a mixture of both, but an anime without fighting wouldn't be a big deal for me.
Dialogue for the most part, but in some shows I do actually prefer to get mroe action/fanservice/un-intelligent stuff.
For example, Black Lagoon was amazing. It didn't have very much dialogue, and it had an extreme amount of action, and it was amazing.
The fact that one of the characters in Black Lagoon had such hilarious dialogues that I laughed until I started crying, really made it even better. So I just have to say that, the little dialogue that did exist in Black Lagoon, was superb.

In general though, I do like dialogue driven shows much more. Ergo Proxy is the one that comes to mind as the "most" dialogue driven of the shows I have seen so far, and it was just amazing. The amount of dialogue was insane, as it felt like some episodes they sat in the exact same place for 20 minutes and just talked, but it was still... Amazing, I loved it just the way it was, and I wouldn't want to change it at all.
I like a balance of both, with slightly more action.
Neither. I mean, dialogue where appropriate--but I wouldn't want to just watch talking heads, might as well make an audio-book, podcast, radio drama or whatever out of it. Action where appropriate--I feel most satisfied when the conflict has been built up to breaking point, and resolves itself, rather than just all action and violence and fighting all the time.

Otherwise, I'm okay with a lot of prettily-animated scenery with a moving and/or catchy musical score. No dialogue, no action, but that can still tell a story. Where appropriate, of course...if it's just all that, all the time, I might as well stare at a landscape painting or watch an aquarium and not an anime.
Like most, I prefer both. However, I find that many animes will bombard you with dialogue until you've had your fill and then you have that itch for action so they switch it up. Then it goes in reverse, lots of action before it swaps back to dialogue. Gundam Seed comes to mind as an anime with a good amount of both in most of the episodes.
Dialogue.. Not too many anime with really good dialogue. Don't get me wrong, I like anime with action but it needs proper dialogue to make it really fleshed out.
I lean towards dialogue more because you need substance, but ultimately, it depends on the show itself and what it wants to be. And each of them need to find a balance between action and dialogue for themselves for it to work, sadly not all of them manage to do so.
I'm going with Skeith on this topic.  In some cases, I don't mind some dialogue to enhance the storyline.  But there are some cases like Evangelion, where the action decreased drastically for the psychological stuff.  And it used to have a nice balance for a while.  I have yet to see an anime where there's too much action and not enough story.  However, I have seen a few titles that had too much fanservice and not enough story.
A balance between action and dialogue is what I like best in my anime. The characters and their personalities need to evolve, something that's harder with just action. Take One Piece for example. It contains lots of action but until it starts we get a lot of dialogue that builds the tension and the villains.
A good balance between action and dialogue is really good. But too much drama and dialogue in anime is really boring and chances are I'll watch something else.
Demon_Skeith said:
I like a balance of both, with slightly more action.
I'm feel pretty much the same, especially because too much dialogue and no action means that the writers are doing their best and the animators are being lazy. Also, all mouth movemenets in anime seem to resume themselves to three shapes (a triangle, an oval and some random shape) regardless of the words they pronounce...
Well, sometimes action does the trick rather than the chat.
Sometimes, people should talk rather than just do stuff....
Personally, I prefer Action than dialogue in anime.