Do you prefer using Apps like Instapaper, Pulse, Google Reader to read Blogs then using a web browse


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I mainly use the Google Reader App for Android to read articles on blogs since it seems faster then opening a web browser, opening a bookmark, and waiting for a blog to load. Plus, it only displays the article, and not the template, plug-ins, ads, and other website stuff which slows down the loading of a website, and I like that I can easily adjust the font size, and all the articles font size and font style is the same even if the article is from a different site.

Google Reader also starts up faster, and is easier to use on a touchscreen then most web browsers, and mobile and desktop websites.

I also use Pulse, Flipboard, Zite, TheVerge, Cnet News, and Engadget App to read articles online.

I want to try Instapaper someday as well since it looks pretty nice for a online news reader app.