Do you prefer using Apps to access Twitter and Facebook, or do you like the mobile website more?


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I prefer using Apps to access Twitter since it seems to save me more time since I don't need to wait for a web browser to startup, type in into the address bar, or use a bookmark to go to Twitter, and sign-in to Twitter to use it. Apps also have auto-refresh for the Twitter feed, so I don't need to keep hiting load more tweets. Also, HootSuite, or TweetDeck also displays pictures, maps, videos in the messages, so I don't need to go onto a seperate site to see the content.

I don't use Facebook much on Mobiles since people tend to type long messages or upload huge photos which are not very easy to read on a tiny screen vs using Facebook on a desktop monitor where it is easier to read longer posts and huge photos because of more screen space.
Indeed, it uses less data since all the App have to do is load the text, and profile pictures instead of the entire website template everytime you visit the site.

I also like that the Mobile App does not change, and re-design its template as much like the desktop version of Twitter which has content on the right, and the mobile version of Twitter is not very nice looking, and can be difficult to use on a smaller phone or tablet because of recent redesigns.