I read some manga, but mostly comics. I usually find comic books to be more entertaining than manga, although there are some really good manga series out there.
Around 80 percent manga and the other 20 percent is American and European comics. Generally prefer anything within the science fiction and fantasy genres, it's interesting to see how creators from different countries explore these genres. Manga has become incredibly easy to find in my area over the past couple of years. It's actually become harder to track down European comics, which now need to be ordered through my newsagent or online.
I grew up on Marvel/DC comics, and I really couldn't part with them. I've grown to appreciate manga through my love for anime, but it can't quite compare. I guess I'm biased and nostalgic towards comics. I used to collect comic books en masse, especially the old ones (which I would find at numerous antique stores or request for birthdays). Most of them I ended up giving to my brother when he started to show an appreciation for them, however.
I didn't grow up reading either, but I think my preference for manga came from its relative accessibility. It was and is pretty easy to find fan translations of most manga on the internet, but I think that most comics like Marvel and DC require a bit more digging, since they are more closely guarding, being an American IP rather than an imported one.
Also, most manga seems to straddle the line between cartoon-y and realistic while I've always felt that comics are a bit off somehow. I guess I like stylized art over realism.
I do love me some web comics and newspaper funnies, but those are pretty different from manga haha.
I didn't grow up with comics like most people either, I discovered manga through Anime, and ended up reading it regularly. I never found comics interesting. Manga is a lot more diverse and creative in comparison.
Unfortunately, I don't read manga or comics. Just because I sorta don't like thw way they're formatted. Besides, I might read a light novel if I get a chance, but manga and comics are kind of, what should I say, not in my league I suppose.
Having said that, it isn't that I haven't read manga before, just that I don't like the formatting.
I read manga. When I could afford it, I was constantly adding to my manga collection. I probably have 200-300 volumes of anime in total, but I don't exactly want to go and count them, lol. I read manga online now that I can't afford physical copies anymore. I prefer having the manga in my hands, though.
I don't read American-style comics though. I have checked out some comics, sure, but didn't really enjoy any of them. The only one I read that I liked was the Archie comic series. Even if I liked them, the comics at the book store here are more than double the cost of manga for less than half the amount of content - just not worth it.