Do you read video game manuals?


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And do you keep them afterwards, or just ignore them and throw them away as soon as possible? Me personally, I always read them. Not because they're particularly useful, but because some are actually quite entertaining to read, and a fair amount of the old ones had interesting story information and official art you couldn't find out anywhere else.
Usually I don't read them unless it has character bios. Those are fun to read. I do keep them however just in case.
They're one of the few things I read for fun, heh.
Yeah , I do. Read em and keep em.... by reading, i mean browse through during loading screens he first time i play d game
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I hardly read them ~.~

Only read the manuals if I am really hooked up with the games like Harvest Moon~
On that note, I always thought the Donkey Kong Country series had neat manuals, with Cranky Kong's narration:

Donkey Kong 64

So let's see what nonsense they've made up for this game shall we?

... This time they've managed to come up with a decent storyline that doesn't involve the usual golden bananas. Only joking kids! This one's worse than all the previous efforts put together! I know you probably aren't expecting a best seller, but wait until you hear this load of rubbish...

It's true I'm afraid. They've gone and included one of those awful multiplayer modes that seem to be all the fashion these days. That means you and some other whippersnappers can huddle round your flickering screen and play a few games that I reckon were thrown in at the last minute and be average at best.

Elsewhere, you'll find a hulking structure that's a bit dim and doesn't work. Yes, I know you already know about Chunky, but this is also true of an eerie lighthouse.

It's a castle and it's creepy. Will that do? Mmm... apparently not.

Tough luck kid, I've been told to keep my mouth shut, as they want to keep all the good stuff for a money making strategy guide.

even my genius can't rescue this game from it's rightful destiny in the bargain bin.

He's bigger, slower and even more useless. No, it's not Chunky...

Donkey Kong Country

I wouldn't believe a word of this! I've been everywere and I found only two locations, bad ones at that!

I can't believe you're still reading this! What you need is a good trashing!

Does anyone ever actually use those memo pages? Waste of paper if you ask me!
I play the game first, until I have to go to bed, and I read that before I sleep usually. No matter what game it is.
Usually manuals are soulless, like most of the pamphlet-sized ones for the wii.

But on occasion there are manuals made with love and thought. For example, the manual that came with MGS3 has an entire timeline for the events that take place in the game along with character bios and a comic.
i usually read them before i get a game
I do read them and I have to say WarioWorld had one of the best manuals... even though they did accidently put a boss in as a normal enemy.
I read them and keep them and the box for future reference. I try to read all of it, but most times I read the story and the character bios if any. If there's some little quirky comments, like Cranky's for example, I'll read those too.

I also read them for the controls. If these haven't changed (as in the case of SMG2), I'll read to find new features in the game/series, if any.
It's a standard NintenDan ritual to read the manual before I play the game. It gets me all the more excited, basically. And I like being excited.
Like most people (probably?), I don't read instruction manuals with "How do you do this?" or "What does this mean?" in my mind, rather, I read as if they were some kind of magazine as in simply for entertainment purposes, to look at artwork, and maybe the odd finding out what something is.