
Well-Known Member
I posted 2 years ago about this too, but seemed to have missed the bigger public for a read.
You can find the post here.
Now 2 years later, we're still going at it for Allods Online, that's how dedicated a players we are! :grin:

I am trying to spread awareness that the P2W server is not the only way to play Allods Online.
It's got a subscription server with the lowest of sub. fees I know around the mmo genre.
Reference: 100 crystals = 1 euro.
Not allowed to post links?

The population is the only problem we know of today, and that's what we're trying to solve here.
The game itself is amazing and gets updates often, but what it lacks is the secret recipe called Players.

I made a video explaining quite briefly, but clear on what we're intending to do, and why Allods is failing in the population aspect.
To help out, we're giving away a free month of subscription to complete new players because we believe the 1 week free trial the game gives is not enough for you to make an opinion on the game.
The first 100 players that sign up via the link in my video, will become eligible for the free month of sub.

This giveaway ends on the 16th of May 2021. Eligible in the sense of, it goes though when we have a minimum of 75 players that signed up via that link.
I am genuinly helping the game I love. I do not ask in my video for likes, or subscribers. I am asking for your time to watch the video, and consider joining us for a month (or more) of gameplay, which could be free via our giveaway.
I wasn't allowed to post links in this post, so simply youtube dragagon allods online, and you'll find it easily.
Via this way, we hope to revive a bigger part of Allods Online, how it once was, and make it so everyone gets to enjoy the game so badly we once did.

For those that remember Allods, it's not the same game that you used to hate because of P2W elements. Those are simply not present on the subscription server. They got Thanossnapped!
I want to thank you for your time reading. I hope you'll watch the video, and maybe I helped you find your game back ^^
The refence I wanted to show here