Do you run mods?


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If you own any PC games, do you often run user made mods on it to make gameplay more fun or interesting?
I've actually never used mods before. I prefer to play the game as intended. Though, when I told one of my friends I was playing Saints Row IV as a girl because one of my favorite voice actresses was one of the voices for the protagonist, they said they had a mod I should get. It was a... well, less just say it was not a very appropriate mod... and I didn't use it. xD
In general I don't use mods but there is one game that I use a mod for and there is another game where I would like to use a mod for it but still not sure.
You know how typically in GTA games you'd complete the story first, then after all was said and done you'd input a bunch of cheats and just go wild? Well I don't know if everyone did but I certainly did.

My point being that, first I finish a game's main story as it was intended by the developer, and once I've experienced that I modify things to my heart's content. I mean, something just feels off about playing through Skyrim's epic tale while dressed as Mario wielding a lightsaber.
It depends on the game for me.

I modded Fallout 4 a fair bit. (I think I modded Fallout 3 also, but I don't remember what mods I used...) in FO4 I've got a few new guns (L96, USAS, WH-77, SCAR-H, AK-74, Glock G20 and a Barret M82). I also have some mods that improve functionality of the game like the scrap-o-tron 2000 which allows me to dump the junk items in and with one button press turn them into base components. (Which I like so I can more easily keep track of what I have/need instead of seeing like a list of like 300 things.) I also added Ammo Crafting via a mod too. (Since it seemed kinda dumb that you could build a house or TV but not a bullet.)
I hated the new time slow VATS so I added a mod called Classic VATS to make time stop when targeting. I liked the new power amour system... but I didn't care for fusion cores as much so I made them last infinitely. I also used a mod to beef up my power armour (since before it was like a single fight was enough to break most pieces off... 4 raiders with pipe pistols should not rip apart power armour... If they were using .50 sniper rifles sure I'd understand.)

There was more than that, but I don't recall it all right now.
God, I wish? lol

I wish I could make mods so that fan games would come out faster and I can plan things out in my home once I get hyped on the price tags of PC tech and junk.
I only run mods on certain games, main two are Skyrim and Fallout 3. Those two games are rich with various, GOOD quality mods - any you want really.

It's amazing what some people manage to develop. I do think that certain mods are a bit over the top and just make no sense in using but then you have others that add new, exciting things or graphical improvements that actually make the game itself even better.

Before I use any sort of mods I always make sure that I will enjoy using it though. I never just see one and go ''Oh hey, look a new mod, let's download it''.
You know how typically in GTA games you'd complete the story first, then after all was said and done you'd input a bunch of cheats and just go wild? Well I don't know if everyone did but I certainly did.

My point being that, first I finish a game's main story as it was intended by the developer, and once I've experienced that I modify things to my heart's content. I mean, something just feels off about playing through Skyrim's epic tale while dressed as Mario wielding a lightsaber.

Okay, allow me to retract my initial statement. Being that Grand Theft Auto V was the only game I'm currently playing that I ran mods on, thanks to that money hungry company Take Two, I can say that I ran mods. They sent a cease and desist to the makers of OpenIV which is a modding tool necessary for thousands of mods on the game, and now everyone can say goodbye to them.