No, since Cable internet is expensive as it already is, but I guest if I leave the house more I might subscribe to a wireless cellular internet company as well for my Laptop, cell phone, and other wireless devices, so I can go online when I'm not at home.
I agree if I was taking a full-time online course schedule in College, or have a chance to work from home where I just send work via E-mail then having a extra internet connection can be important since the internet won't be slow if someone else like a sibling or guest who is using the internet is downloading tons of files since I'm on another internet connection, and I always have a spare connection if ones goes down.
Having your own internet connection might be better if you are sharing your connections with room mates in a rented house since you don't have to deal with their massive downloading habits slowing down your connection, or telling them to pay their part of the bill.
I think a lot of big web hosting companies have more then one internet connection since costumers can get really mad if their website is down because the web host ISP is down.