Do you sometimes feel guilty about playing Nintendo (or video games in general) for too long?

Do you sometimes feel guilty about playing Nintendo (or video games in general) for too long?

  • Yes, I often do. It's terrible, but I can't do anything about it! I might be (slightly) addicted.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Yes, I do, sometimes. So when I do, I try to cut back. That's all.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • No, I don't. But that doesn't mean I feel good about it, either. It's just the way it is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I (almost) never do. It's my life, I do whatever I want with my time. Nobody takes my Nintendo a

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Okay, if you're still a kid or a teen, probably not. At least, I didn't when I was a kid (although my parents would sometimes tell me to do my homework, for God's sake, or just quit playing already and go play outside...). lol

But once you reach a certain age, say, 19 (legally an adult), it seems to me like you shouldn't spend too much time playing video games anymore, at least not on a regular basis. Why? Well, to begin with, it's not very productive. In fact, it's not productive at all. You aren't doing anything for your future, you aren't doing anything to educate yourself (unless you are playing educational games, of course, but that's another topic), you aren't doing anything to get further in life. Basically, not to put too fine a point on it, you are wasting time. Anybody agrees? Sure, video games are tons of fun, but that's it. There's no upside to them beside the fun aspect, IMO.

At least with sports, you can say you are doing something for your health. With books and certain movies you can say you are doing something to broaden your horizon, etc. Same with playing an instrument or doing paintings and sculptures. But video games? No.

You get my drift?

As for me, I am now 30. I have a job, I have a career, I have a girlfriend, I have friends (a few good friends), I have a social life. So yeah, I feel a bit guilty about spending hours and hours glued to myNintendo, especially since I tend to get very involved in these games (Mario and Zelda games especially). I know this from past experience.

What about you?
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Well, I'm just 12, but no I do not.
If you think about it, everything you do in life is to either have fun in the future or to have a family.
Now, Video Gaming is an activity that gives you all that fun right now, without having to do anything beforehand.

My personal opinion, is that as long as you don't spend 1/2 of your life on video gaming, it's fine, and in fact, it enhances your imagination, or at least, some games do....
I'm 34 yrs old, I do enjoy my gaming time. It's been reduced to almost non-existence, but there are times that I have more time that I could handle. Have lots of friends my age or close to it that still enjoy their gaming time.
I'm 19 and I don't feel guilty. Hell people I work with are in their late 30's/40's and they still play. There's nothing wrong with playing video games. It's nothing to be ashamed of. We all do it.
Psh, no I don't feel guilty, there's no reason to be.(That is, unless you're supposed to be doing something else at the time) You shouldn't feel guilty, people do things for pleasure all the time, and so long as you're still getting your all the important stuff done, there's no reason you can't have time for entertainment, educational or not .
Remember the concept for the Wii, that anyone and everyone can play? That was the original focus for the Wii.There is nothing wrong with gaming, as long as you set your priorities straight. Your life, is much more important than video games.

A video game, you can come back to anytime. But life, is a different story.
Not guilty, but sometimes I'll feel cramped/yucky/fatigued and will need to do something else. Other times I start to suddenly feel lonely and walk around to look for people to talk to.
Remember the concept for the Wii, that anyone and everyone can play? That was the original focus for the Wii.

Yeah, you know, that just occurred to me too!

Wii Sports, Wii Fitness, but also Dr. Kawashima's Braintraining etc. Clearly Nintendo is trying widen its horizon (and audience)...

I'm 34 yrs old, I do enjoy my gaming time. It's been reduced to almost non-existence, but there are times that I have more time that I could handle. Have lots of friends my age or close to it that still enjoy their gaming time.
I'm 19 and I don't feel guilty. Hell people I work with are in their late 30's/40's and they still play. There's nothing wrong with playing video games. It's nothing to be ashamed of. We all do it.
Well, of course, many do still enjoy it, myself included (of course! why else would I be here?), but it seems to me that I still had the best time when I was 8-16.

Getting Super Nintendo with Super Mario World for Christmas, and playing with my sister, my cousins, and my friends for hours on end? How can anything today beat that? But that's just me, of course.

Psh, no I don't feel guilty, there's no reason to be.(That is, unless you're supposed to be doing something else at the time) You shouldn't feel guilty, people do things for pleasure all the time, and so long as you're still getting your all the important stuff done, there's no reason you can't have time for entertainment, educational or not .

Well said! Couldn't have put it better myself!

stupid question. im 13 i dont feel guilty! Lets get him!! jk

Sounds to me like you should feel guilty because maybe you haven't done your homework yet...?
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I only feel a bit guilty when I look at Steam and see 2257 hours as total time I've played Gmod. Although, a bit of that time was AFKing/multitasking/browsing while loading.
When I see that I put over 800 hours on my 3DS in the first year and that is not the only console I play on, then I feel guilty. But I can't help it... I will stay up all hours of the night playing, only to wake up exhausted and regretful the next day ( sort of how a rockstar feels when they wake up covered in their own vomit.)
Sometimes I do.
There are times, when I wished I had more self control but unfortunately, that's not me at all.
Of course I do feel guilty about it.