Do you still see computers using Windows Vista at school, the library, and other public place?


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Yes, I saw Windows Vista after going to the library recently. I haven't been to the local library in a few years. The last time I went to the library was about 3 years a go when the computers used Windows XP.

I guest, the library tech workers are slow at testing out newer operating system, and they finished testing, and installing Windows Vista on the computers, or bought a bunch of cheaper older Vista desktop PCs instead of using a newer Windows operating system like Windows 7.

But, most people at the library seem to only use the public computers to look up book information, re-new their books, and use web browsers to browse websites on Firefox, and Chrome, so Windows Vista is an okay Operating System for those simple tasks.
they are quickly upgrading to W7, last I heard from people in high school all the vistas are up to W7 now.