Do you struggle with night reading?


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Even at high school, I was never good at night reading. I like my sleep that much that reading at night never worked for me. Do you read at nights?
I've gotten in trouble once or twice for reading at night. My dad scolded me for reading past my bed time because I was trying to read with very little light and he told me that it would ruin my eye sight.
I've gotten in trouble once or twice for reading at night. My dad scolded me for reading past my bed time because I was trying to read with very little light and he told me that it would ruin my eye sight.

Reading with a dim light will definitely hurt your eyes in the long-term. I agree with your dad.
That's the reason I quite doing it. Well, initially I quite because I didn't want to get in trouble with my dad again. But looking back at it, I have to agree with my dad as well.

Truth is we always thought they meant bad for us, but looking back, we have no option but to agree with them.
I feel I sometimes fall asleep when reading at night, and remember less of what I read at night.
I'm the type who likes the "sun" (as my husband calls it) on. So any night reading I've done it's been with the overhead light on. & if the light wasn't shining well enough, THEN I'd also turn a lamp on to reflect on the book itself.
Night reading can never be for me because my sleep comes first as a higher priority. I'll be awake at most 9pm, after 9pm, the next is sleep.