Do you take the batteries out of your electronics if you don't plan to use them for a long time?


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Yes, I take the battery out of my Digital Camera, GBA, etc when I don't plan on using them for a few weeks or month since the instruction manual said so.
It is said that if you do remove the batteries out of some electronic equipment, that may prevent damage for leaking battery acid, should the batteries are dead.
Yes, I had a few leaky batteries. They formed crystals which look like salt after a while.

My dad had a flash for his 35mm camera go bad beceuse the acid from the battery leaked onto the metal parts of the battery holder. I fixed it by using my nails to scratch off the salty like battery powder.
I usually don't take batteries out of things since i usually use them, and i only have a couple things that run on batteries. The rest uses chargers and junk.