I'm not sure, but it is possible since both Atheist and "Most" Anarchists probably don't believe in a popular religion since many religioun tell people to be law abiding.
Anarchists : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power.
Atheists: someone who denies the existence of god
TheAmazingAtheist ( One of the most popular openly Atheist member on Youtube)
I thought Satanist are religious people who believe in Satan as their leader. I saw on TV where they filmed a bunch of satanist in South America doing some kind of worship ritual, so Satanist are not really consider atheists since they believe in Satan.
a lot of people tend to associate atheists with goths/emos due to their dark look. because of their stereotyped personality as 'troubled' or 'trouble makers' some people could probably easily describe them as anarchists and that's where the whole confusion really starts. and of course there's always people who don't dress that way and are still atheists, but because of stereotypes are still pegged as an anarchist.
anarchists, to me at least, sounds like it could be another meaning for atheist and a lot of people aren't going to put any effort to looking up the difference or just forget about it. then next time they hear the words, their brain just puts two and two together.
so it basically all leads back to stereotypes. this probably makes no sense,
but i can't find any better way to word it xD
I get this quite a bit living in the south. But I'm an atheist, and I don't believe in god(s). I may be a depressing person, but that's not because of my religion. I just overwork myself mentally, combine with insomnia. =D
I think it has a lot to do with the thought that because people like me are atheist that we lack "Christian" morals and therefore have no respect for authority and have anarchist beliefs.
Now I personally like the concept of anarchy, but that it should be used when there are no other alternatives or to just restart a society.