Do you think cashiers read the name of the person on credit cards, debit cards, and cheques?


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I think a few cashiers do. Mainly cashiers who work at beer stores, banks and gun shops. But, I feel a large amount of cashiers don't read the name, so if a female stole a male's credit card, the cashier might not even know the credit card has a boy name on it. They just seem to swipe the card and not look at the owner name.

Plus, even if the cashier did know it might not be very unusual since there are some males who like to dress up as females, but their ID still have their male names.

This is one of the reasons I leave my credit cards at home since credit cards in Canada don't need a pin to spend at any store. They just need a signiture on the receipt.
I notice there are some swipeless Credit and debit cards which don't require the cashier to swipe your card. You just tap it on some pad which is convenient, but can be a bad idea. A male who steals a womans Credit card with the name "Nancy" on it can just tap the card on a pad and buy a ton of stuff without "Nancy signiture". Plus, the clerk would not even know or find it odd that the male's name is Nancy on the card.

Video about wireless and swipeless cards and the dangers of them and how some sleeve can protect yourself from ID theft from RFIDs.

The man in the video kinds of looks like Jay Leno. He just needs a longer chin.
I wonder if jay leno has seen that vid?

Also I think it really just depends on the person on weather or not they will read the names.
It be funny if Jay Leno showed this video on his show like how Conan once showed a picture of a female which look like him on Conan's show.

I think a lot of people these days especially the younger workers don't want to read names on Credit cards since it is not part of the job and it means more work. Plus, you are stuck with the problem if you should call security if you see a man using a credit card with a name and picture of a woman on a "Hello Kitty credit card" since he could be using his wife's or girl friend's credit card she loaned him or he could be using a stolen card from a college girl who uses the card for buying food, books, and paying bills.

Like this one:

Plus, vigilante (being a crime fighter) justice is not very cool in most areas since you'll be labeled as a "rat, snitch, or tattle tale" by kids, and teens instead of being honored as a "hero, good Samaritan, crime fighter, vigilante, etc" Lots of People just don't want to get involve in fighting crime like those people who refuse to at least call the cops when a woman had her purse stolen.

But, there will be less credit card theft if cashiers read names since it would look suspicious if a boy has a credit card with a female name on it. Some credit cards have a photo of the owner on it, so it would be even more unlikely if a young boy had a credit card with a photo of a older female on the card unless his granny gave him her card to use to buy stuff.