Do you think certification are worth your time and money?


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Examples of Certifications

A+ PC Technician Cert:

Network+ Cert:


Certs are basicly test you write and if you pass you get a certificate which proves to employers you know the info in the test related to networking, hardware, software, etc.

I think certs, are good for geting you an interview with an employee, and learning the vocabulary and knowledge needed to perform the job. They are good for people who don't have a lot of experience around computers or working in IT.

But getting certs. for the sake of just putting them on your resume, or trying to impress a boss, some buddies is kind of stupid. It is like those people who get a degree for the sake of getting a degree, but not doing much with it when they get it.
I got certified in Visual Basic 6 a few years ago. The whole point was to look good on my college resume (which it did). I haven't really used it for anything else; so, I suppose it was a slight waste. But at only $10 a test, it wasn't that expensive to me.
They are worth it to an extent. If you are ready to push yourself into that job that would love to have an experienced person and you have no previous experience with them and you show up with a certification it makes them feel like they can trust in hiring you even if you have no previous experience.
I have to agree with the other people here, though I would actually use it to get a job in the field, I think some people would have a better time getting a job if you had a cert.
Yes, I agree with you guys. Plus, it is good for reviewing the material since if you fail the cert then you probably need to review and learn the material better and take the cert again. It is better to fail a cert then fail atr doing an important job since you can't get fired for failing a cert.