Do you think gaming is one of the reasons why Windows will be number 1 for a long time?


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Yes since it is super easy to install games in Windows, and a Windows computer cost less then a Mac and it is easy to buy RAM, Video cards, Hard Drives and joystiqs for Windows devices.

Mac has some good games, but they cost a lot.

Most of the games for Linux. I played or seen look pretty old and not as fun as games for Windows.
What most people don't know about is Wine, it is a windows virtualizer for Linux.
I don't think games is why Windows will remain number 1 for years to come.

As you see Linux And Mac both have transgaming on their side to play windows games 100%.

Not only that Linux and Mac both have their own games aswell.

Windows will remain number 1 for one reason and it is them being the most well known company.

I mean what pops into peoples head when they hear PC or go into a computer store?

Windows 95% of the time

However I can say even with what I just said,if microsoft don't start getting a good OS out there they will fail.

Then Mac Or Linux will take over.

I mean look what happened with vista due to vista Linux got a confirmed 1% market share and an unconfirmed 2-4% marketshare on the desktop market.

So if Windows/Microsoft losses number 1 it will only be their fault.
It is a shame that more people would not give Ubantu, and other linux distros a try since it is easy to install, and use.

Possibly, the 3rd world might look at linux more seriously since it is free, and open source.