I think it maybe possible that Android drops support for MicroSD on their official versions of Android in the future like 5.0-6.0 to make you use their online storage services like gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, Google Play, Google Pluse, and other sites and services more, and phone makers can make more money charging more money for more storage. Cell phone service providers can also charge more for bandwidth from the downloading and uploading of files.
It is also now illegal in the US to unlock cell phones, so cell providers may make it illegal or make a ban to stop the use of Smartphones with MicroSD on their cell phone networks, and disable the Wi-Fi chip on Smartphones to force people to use their data plan.
It is looking that way since Google is actively doing this with their Nexus devices. I think that it'll only be a matter of time before they do this with Android as well. The day that happens is the day I either go back to my Blackberry, iPhone or feature phone..
This is why I make a point of keeping my old devices, and keep them well protected with screen protectors and silicone cases from the first day I get them..
I think it's more probable that they're products have dropped them to keep their prices low. Even if Android doesn't support it, somebody else can come along and develop a hack to support it, like the external hard drive hack for the Nexus 7.
It is also now illegal in the US to unlock cell phones
I read there might be possibly expensive fines, and jail time for unlocking phones.
This kind of reminds me of the time back in the Playstation 1 days where people got in trouble for installing MOD chips to add more features on their Playstation 1 like the abilitiy to play VCD/Video CD with a mod chip on a PSX, and to play backed-up games which they legally own like how some people play DVD movies which they ripped to their iPod video or a DVD-R burnable disc to keep the original disc from scratching and cracking.