Do you think I.P. and e-mail banning works at stopping spammers?


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No, I don't really think banning a spammer I.P. Address, or E-mail don't really work at stopping spammers because they will just use a proxy website, or a different connection like a VPN connection to get a new I.P. to spam with their new I.P.

E-mail address from Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo mail are also easy to make, so I think most spammers will just make a new account to continue spamming.
It works in one regard... it slows them down and makes it harder for them to spam. Plus if you use blacklists like spamhaus or stopforumspam then you really limit how much spammers can do because those services are constantly updated as new spam emails/ips/usernames are identified. However that's largely for automated (bot) spammers. 

Human spammers are less common (thankfully) due to the time required to make a bunch of email addresses/use a proxy so banning them is a bit more effective. Still not completely effective though, but a bit better against them compared to bots.
I really don't believe in them, specially with how IP addresses change and can get thrown around. But if I were having a major issues with a certain IP, I would ban it for awhile to slow it down.
Demon_Skeith said:
I really don't believe in them, specially with how IP addresses change and can get thrown around. But if I were having a major issues with a certain IP, I would ban it for awhile to slow it down.
I think it is also be possible for spammers to use other members IP addresses, so you may end up blocking a good member, or visitor. There are tools to change I.P. addresses.

Hackers can also hack into other people's computers to use to post spam on their computer with a different IP address.
You got it. There are even extensions for the browsers to change the I.P. with just a click.
So, I don't think we can stop spammers but we can stop spam-bots by making use of tough questions.