Do you think in the future it would be possible to access some sites for free without a paid ISP?


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I think for bigger cities like New York, Google, and Facebook might just give away free access to their sites with free wi-fi in places with a lot of people which can only access their websites and services while connected to Google or Facebook Wi-Fi, and the user agrees not to block their advertising or services which make them billions of dollars a year which is enough to cover the cost of Wi-Fi service if enough people go on their websites, and click on ads they are interested in.

I read Facebook is already installing the mobile app on third party cell phones in developing countries, and the cost to use Facebook is free, and does not need a dataplan as long as you have an active cell number with the cell phone company.
Something like cable or those limited school networks? I could see that happening. I know there are some free internet services of some description out there -- it's not much of a leap to assume that someday in the (near) future, limited free access will be a reality. I'm not at all an economist and that's nowhere near my field but it seems like Google and Facebook and the like would still very easily be able to sustain themselves -- likely they'd be able to generate even more income.
It wouldn't make sense to me that a particular website would be free. The other sites aren't pay-per-view or anything. I can imagine a nationwide free internet like 3G happening in the near future, but we don't have an infrastructure that makes people pay for particular websites anyway. Either you're paying for an ISP or you aren't these days.

I think a Facebook ISP, for example, would be way too expensive to distribute here in the States for free.
yes, I think it will happen with ISP sites so those without internet connection can get to them.
I agree ISP sites will be free somehow, so people can at least use their website to order a paid ISP since some people don't own a cell phone or a phone for some reason.

Amazon might make it possible to order stuff from home without paying for an ISP since Amazon already earns a lot from some more expensive purchases like a TV, computer, and furniture, so I can see Amazon Kindle's coming with free Wi-Fi or Data just to buy stuff from, and to stream Amazon digital movies which can cost a lot since they are digital, and sometimes it is just cheaper to go to the bargain dvd section in stores to buy the same old movie in DVD format for a few dollars.
I remember there used to be ad-based internet service which installed a banner ad on the bottom of your screen, and you dialed a local number to use the internet for free with dia-up.

I think a free ad-base internet would be less annoying now since the banner ad will not be as big since people's monitors are a lot bigger like 20 inches in size these days, so the ad would be the size of a tiny rectangle which takes up less space unlike in the past when most people used 13-15" low resolution monitors where a tiny program like an instant messanger took up a lot of the screen space.
I think one day the whole world is just gonna have free, slow-ass space-Dailup that comes from space, (Did I mention it comes from space?) and if you want faster internet, you'd just pay for faster internet.

Basically global satellite 3G coverage.
A watched pot never boils, Be careful what you ask for; you may get it, Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion, Better the devil you know than the one you don't, Beware the door with too many keys, and Don't sail out farther than you can row back. :cool:

Eggs shouldn't dance with stones btw. :wink: :P
I read Facebook is bundling free data to access their website on mobile phones in emerging, and developing continents like Africa, and Asia where going on Facebook does not count on your data plan.

The trick is that Facebook Zero is free, benefiting from what’s known as zero rating by the phone companies. Accessing it doesn’t rack up any data fees, which are a big deal in emerging markets, where almost everyone is on a prepaid plan. (In countries in the developing world, the average monthly spend on mobile connectivity, which is often just voice and text, is 8-12% of the average take-home pay of a cell phone user, says Nathan Eagle, CEO of opt-in mobile ad network Jana.)


But, I got a feeling that Facebook may use people's photos for ads and other promotional pages and links on Facebook like those Sponsored stories, and there was a weird bug on Facebook that made people automatically "Like/Follow" companies without permission which they did not "Like" by themselves.
It will happen. However, it will be the other way around. We will pay more in access some sites with a paid ISP. Company will find different way to make money on us

I read YouTube is working on a paid membership which let you view videos made from actual movie and TV studios, and I think in the near future they eventually make more popular YouTubers like Smosh, Machinama be part of the paid subscription service.

Pandora is also limiting the number of hours people can listen to free music on their mobile devices.

I think most of the good sites like Pandora, YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Amazon and Facebook will be partners to form a mega ISP which blocks all other ISP, so you need to subscribe to their ISP to use their service like Cable where you have to pay to view exclusive channels which are either only on their cable provider, or owned by the channels.

There may still be still free parts of the internet which let you use a site like YouTube for a few minutes before you pay, or force to view low quality videos, and websites, but most would be either smaller independant sites, and sites which few people want to visit on a daily basis.

I think if Amazon can somehow offer its website as a free Wi-Fi service to buy things on Amazon via free Wi-Fi around a city which can only go on Amazon, a lot of people who can't afford internet would use Amazon free Wi-Fi to buy cheaper products instead of going to Wal-mart, and an offline store.
That would mean that Amazon would have to install wifi routers and extenders thruought entire blocks. That, even for a corporation that big sounds expensive as all hell.
As I was saying in my last post, there is no such thing as free, there is always a catch. Most times, free services recoup their profit by selling their patron's personal info to other companies. They know that on the whole, and in this economy, they won't make much money if they were to say "here is my service, if you like it, you are going to have to pay for it" so, instead, what they do is say, "here is my service, unlike, X, Y, Z, our service is completely free because we care more about people than we do about making money, however, we only ask that you allow us to show ads so that we can maintain server costs."

While it might seem like such a small request for providing such a great service, and most will agree to put up with ads for that reason, they don't realize that those ads are collecting as much info about that person and their device as they can so they can sell it to anyone who's willing to pay for it. These companies know that, in the end, they will make more money on that individual's personal info being sold, so it really is no big deal for them to offer their service for free. Especially when doing so, will get more people to their service than their paid competitors, and lead to a bigger profit in the end.

There will always be other alternatives. Pandora is great, but it is not the best and truth be told, it needs work. Most of the time when I search for an artist from a certain music genre, I get something else completely different.

If I search for freestyle artists such as Expose, George Lamond, TKA, etc., there is no way I should be getting Ian Vandahl, Deepsky and Louie Devito. They are not of the same genre.. the former is Freestyle and the latter is Techno/Trance. Hell, they didn't even originate from the same side of the planet. I might get a few songs from other freestyle artists, like I am supposed to, but eventually, I'll end up with something completely different before too long.

That is not the case with other music services like IHeartRadio, TuneIn and Raditaz, which not only is more accurate, but they also have a larger music library than Pandora.. and is free.. and even if I were to go for a paid version of these apps, then I would sooner do so for one of these 3 than I would Pandora for these reasons alone.
I was only clarifying my post just in case someone didn't understand the point I was making and thought that I was just posting metaphors for shits and giggles.
oh... I thought you were Froggyboy. :P Froggyboy always makes the really long posts. :geek:

I knew what you meant btw. I just like adding metaphors to metaphors.