Do you think it is best to use a furom or blog for sites with a lot of news posts per day?


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I think a blogs and forums are the best types of websites for making an active website which post a lot of news posts per day.

Making a basic html site, and manually uploading articles with a FTP client, and editing the front page with a website editor software like Dreamweaver or Frontpage can use up a lot of time compared to a forum and blog which automatically updates the frontpage, and different sections when new topics and replies are posted by users.
Forum all the way, quick and easy and allows users to comment in a better way.
There are paid forum platforms nowadays that allow admins to customize the homepage to make it look like a site in just a few easy steps.
There are paid forum platforms nowadays that allow admins to customize the homepage to make it look like a site in just a few easy steps.

I feel a forum homepage should stick to the traditional forum layouts where there are sections/sub-forums links listed on the homepage where members can easily find sub-forums to post in.