Do you think it is important to have something to fall back on?


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Yes, I think it is important to find a way to make a living if you can't find a job in your choosen field.

For example, a lot of people want to be actors, singers, talk-show hosts, CEO, proffessional poker player, etc. But, these jobs require a lot of talent and hard work which only a few people have, so it is best for them to have some sort of a college education.

But, it is not as important to find something to fall back on if your choosen job has a lot of employers who are hiring like being a security guard since there are a lot of job postings for those types of jobs here.
yeah not having something to fall back on could end up screwing up your life later on.
I think it depends on what your career is. As a nurse, I have a lot of options. I can work in a hospital, at a doctor's office, as a home health nurse, for the state, at schools, at an insurance company, or for a law firm. I could also teach. So I don't necessarily have another career field as a backup plan because nursing has a ton of options for me.

I could see someone that was planning to go into show business or music having a back up career just in case as well though.