Do you think making cash online hard?


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Yes, making cash online can be hard if you don't know how to write good articles, make interesting content like videos, flash games, music, etc for people to view on your website. Though, if you can provide useful services like web design, php coding, and advertising you can make some cash.

If your site has a fair amount of traffic, you can sell advertising space for a little bit of money like $5 a month for a text link. There are also affiliate programs for helping companies sell stuff, and you get commission for each sale that came from your site.

It is difficult to earn a living on the web, but it is simpler to earn enough to pay for domain registration, and web hosting. But, I think it depends on the person since if you have a lot of experience with Search engine Optimization, coding php, java applets, java scripts, flash, websites, or your very talented at Photoshop, or Gimp you might find making cash easier then the kid who is starting out with little experience on making cash online.

I also heard taking surveys about yourself pay is alright.