Do you think most Android games will be publish on more mobile games store, so people can play them in the future if Google Play Games close down?


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I think more game makers will also publish their games to their own website, Amazon Android App, and other third party App stores like 1Mobile, and not just rely on Google Play for selling their game. But, I feel there still will be many Android games which may no longer be online if Google suddenly decides to shutdown Google Play, stop selling games or unpublishing a lot of games on Google Play for some reason like how Microsoft no longer supports the Windows Phone App store, and how Blackberry no longer have an App and game store.
That is true, I bet in the future there will be a more third-party platform where you can download the game.
I read articles that in China there are more third-party mobile games stores. I also remember that Facebook has a mobile games store.

I think more mobile games may someday be playable in mobile browsers when 5G and faster Wi-Fi internet becomes more common, and most people own gaming phones with faster processors and more RAM.
I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to ruin it like this. I mean, companies are trying to create their own streaming services to compete with Netflix and Prime so wouldn't be surprised if they start to make their own game stores as well.
I feel some game makers like EA may make their own mobile game stores, so they can make more money from games, DLC, in-game money, and virtual items like loot boxes, guns, ammo, and custom characters. Game makers also won't need to follow Google Play rules, and refund policy when they create their own games stores.

There also will be no competition from other game makers when gamers use their own games stores.
If Google play gets closed down, it would be a disaster. It's not just for games and we could get all sorts of apps there and not to mention that, everyone kinda trust the ratings there implicitly....
If Google play gets closed down, it would be a disaster. It's not just for games and we could get all sorts of apps there and not to mention that, everyone kinda trust the ratings there implicitly....

I agree the closing of Google Play would be a disaster since a lot of people rely on Google Play for many types of apps, and digital files like songs, movies, tv shows, eBooks, and digital magazines. There are also a lot of useful user reviews, and ratings for games, apps, movies, music, and ebooks on Google Play.

I think a lot of the purchases like movies and some games from Google Play may require Google Play to be online to prevent piracy, and copyright protection.