Do you think Netbooks (Mini-laptops) will be the next big thing for gaming?


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I think that Netbooks might be good for slow moving RPG, RTS games, and MMO, but probably won't be very good for FPS, action, adventure, or racing games since mose netbooks don't have fast video cards, and the keyboard is too small.

But, if you connect a USB joystick to it. Netbooks might be good for playing older games that do not need lots of RAM, Hard drive space, and a fast video card,

I think Netbooks will be good for playing ROMs of classic games like Tetris, Pokemon Blue, Mario, etc.

If they made a Netbook with a touch screen and motion sensing capabilities it might be cool for gaming since they are so light weight.

Netbooks would be good for places where there is not enough space for a laptop like a crowded bus, and cafeteria at an over populated school. But, a Netbook is a good size between a portable game console and a laptop.

I find laptops these days not really portable and light since. They are around 15"-18" and weigh 4-5 pounds. Plus, they are kind of expensive to take out and not fear someone stealing your $700-1000 laptop.

If a company can make a decent Netbook that can run fun games made Windows XP or Ubuntu, at a good speed and good battery life and cost about $180-200 USD about the same price as a PSP then it might be the next big thing in portable gaming. Plus, adding a joystick to the keyboard won't hurt.