Do you think online celebrities are treated differenntly online?


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Yes, since they are so popular, so I think online celebrities are treated better by companies and fan groups. For example, Youtube Partners get a cool banner area to post their banner, and get to make videos longer then 10 minutes and some companies constantly send them free stuff to review on their videos for cash because of their popularity.
Yes, since they are so popular, so I think online celebrities are treated better by companies and fan groups. For example, Youtube Partners get a cool banner area to post their banner, and get to make videos longer then 10 minutes and some companies constantly send them free stuff to review on their videos for cash because of their popularity.
I wouldn't agree more with you, ;)
If you can become famous online fpr singing and short films, you can become famous offline with a little effort or almost no effort.

Perez Hilton who has his starts online as a celeb blogger now have became a Hollywood Icon in the Celebrity Gossip News category. He has a TV show dedicated to him, and he is invited a lot of TV, Radio, award shows, entertainment parties, clubs, events and other appearances.

I feel a lot of real celebrities and reporters in the entertainment news industry treat him well like a king because he has a lot of followers/fans, so he could make someone's reputation bad or very good by posting an article on them on his mega popular blog and Twitter.

Justin Bieber also got signed by Usher because Justin had many subscribers on Youtube because a lot of Youtubers think he is a great singer. Now he is very famous offline and is very well known by teens and young adults.

It is possible someday online celebrities will soon become more popular then Hollywood celebrities, and Hollywood needs to get with the times and use the power of the internet to promote their artists better.