Do you think people dream too big these days and not succeed?


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Yes, I sometimes believe people dream too high too soon instead of being practical and starting up with an obtainable goal like playing the acoustic guitar at a local bar and being recognized as a decent guitarist in the local music scene instead of being a rock star with tons of fans.
Yes, people dream big these days, and sometimes they actually succeed in becoming what they are in their dreams. For most though, it's just hope. If people don't dream, they don't really have anything to look forward to in life, or to strive to accomplish something. They may dream big, but its better than not dreaming at all.
Yes, people dream big these days, and sometimes they actually succeed in becoming what they are in their dreams. For most though, it's just hope. If people don't dream, they don't really have anything to look forward to in life, or to strive to accomplish something. They may dream big, but its better than not dreaming at all.

I agree, but I think small dreams like singing in an independent band or acting in an small play, independent movie or internet TV series can lead to bigger things if the dreamers are good and can get fans.

Look at Colbie Caillat who started out singing on Myspace and now is famous. The same goes for Justin Bieber who started out posting videos of himself singing on Youtube, and he got recognized by Justin Timberlake, and Usher. Now he is singing on Usher's Music company. I think if they both went straight to Hollywood, they would not be as successful since they don't have a fan following which are in love their music.

I think these days you need to start out small and get a few fans locally or online, and build up a good reputation as being able to do what you want to do as your dream instead of just trying to jump into the big leagues in a short amount of time.
I think shows like MTV Cribs, Jershey Shore and other materialistic shows are changing "some" young people's perception of success which means driving around in a nice car, living in an over sized house, and picking up a "promiscuous woman" by throwing cash at them for them to "pick up" at the local clubs while getting drunk and high...