Do you think RIM's BlackBerry Phone can survive when there is iPhone, so many Cheap Android and Wind


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Yes, but I think they mostly be popular with older people, and buisness people while most regular folks who buy smart phones, and tablets will probably buy iPhones, Androids, Windows Phone, or WebOS smart phone by HP.

that keyboard looks to small to type on.
Indeed, I think it is too small, but I think using the Blackberry's keyboard to text on is better then flip phones.
With a flip phone , you can never type as fast as this person in the video since a flip phone does not have a keyboard which is good for typing long sentences:

Most flip phones don't have keyboards, but only 10 keys which are the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, and other keys which you can text with, so it would not be easy to type as fast with a flip phone.
