If a male touches someone against their will then they go to jail for years, but if a female does the same thing she will just get a warning or less jail time in most cases I saw on TV.
I think one of the reasons the law is so unequal for males because the court system, government, and Senate is mostly run by males, so if some woman was being sued for touching a boy then most of the males who runs the courts, gov. sen, etc think something like "wow, that boy must have a good time"
But, I think if Judge Judy or Judge Alex was the judge they be more fair since they seem to be quite fair judges.
it really depends on the judge, but if anyone like that comes before judge judy she throw the big @$$ book at them.
I can see females getting a less punishment due to the fact there not much as a threat as men. (IE you won't see them going right back out and do the same thing over again.)
I can see it happening I don't really understand why though.
I mean people can't choose to be born a boy or a girl, but
they can choose to commit a crime.
Like what DS said, women aren't as big of a threat. If a woman goes up to you and tries to steal your money, you can probably easily knock her down. If a guy comes up to you and tries the same thing, he'll probably kick your ass. Of course, that's depending on how big both of them are, but typically women dont give as good of a fight as men do.
Either way, from what Ive seen and heard, men get arrested more than women do. It's only likely that the punishment would be greater for men.
Melissa Huckaby who sexually abuse and killed a little girl.
The list goes on.
I agree with Aero that people don't have a choice when it comes to gender, but have a choice when it comes to commiting a crime or being a law abbiding criminal.
I think that varies from state to state, or from country to country. In the states I think the laws are tougher for men than they are for women. Because men oftentimes get into various domestic disputes, eluding police and such.
Like in communist China, I think there are regulations on marriage and child birth.
I guest sometimes it is the victims fault for not telling the whole story during court since some people find it kind of embarassing being victimize by a female espiecally if the victim is a male.
Like back Elementary school-High School if a boy got beaten up by a girl and other people knew about it. The immature students will say something dumb like "ha ha you got beaten up by a girl", so sometimes people don't want to come forward.
I think it all depends on the judge. It seems on sided because men aren't as likely to report an assult by a woman and a woman is to report an assult (regardless of who did it). Therefore, assult by females doesn't seem as common of a thing as it really is.
Also, a lot of women like to play the victim card and there are still a lot of people that consider females to be the "weaker" sex, so when a woman plays the vicitm card (when she isn't really the victim), people tend to believe the female.
Yes I do.. and what's worse is the women who know this commit the crime and put on a convincing performance in front of the judges when it is time for them to be sentenced.
Depends on allot of thing, first who is the jury, a guy or to a female, is teh female good looking, etc ... Allot of factors come and have a look with it. But in total yes you right.
Not really especially as women suffer elsewhere outside the law (i.e. less pay etc). Also in some countries, women pretty much have no laws protecting them.