I think most people with prejudices are afraid to express their true feelings on a group of people in reality since they can get arrested, sued, beaten up for discrimination or "disturbing the peace" by gays, mentally challenged, and ethnic groups.
But, online it is harder to track people down for making rude comments about gays, mentally challenge, or ethnic groups like in reality. Plus, there is not many support groups online like "Gay rights advocates" which will defend gays who are being discriminated on the internet like in reality.
In summary, I feel gays, mentally challenge and colored people might have more hate comments, but also more supporters since people who support groups of people who are commonly discriminated against won't fear being beaten up by the KKK, Neo Nazi, White Supremacist and other groups which discriminate people based on race, and culture.
But, online it is harder to track people down for making rude comments about gays, mentally challenge, or ethnic groups like in reality. Plus, there is not many support groups online like "Gay rights advocates" which will defend gays who are being discriminated on the internet like in reality.
In summary, I feel gays, mentally challenge and colored people might have more hate comments, but also more supporters since people who support groups of people who are commonly discriminated against won't fear being beaten up by the KKK, Neo Nazi, White Supremacist and other groups which discriminate people based on race, and culture.