Do you think the Xbox One case size will be smaller like a smaller DVD player?


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I think it is possible that Microsoft will release an Xbox One which is the size of a small DVD player, so the Xbox One uses less space on a TV shelf.
At this point in the console generation, it’s almost like, why bother? There’s already 3 versions of the Xbone and also with the new consoles next year, the lack of interest leading to lack of sales will make it kind of pointless.

It’s gonna be like the Wii Mini and the GBA Micro where you’d be hard pressed to find one.
Maybe? Hard to say but they don't want to make it too small.
Maybe? Hard to say but they don't want to make it too small.

I think there maybe a Xbox One which is the size of the PS4 Slim if there is a demand for a smaller Xbox One. Microsoft did make 3 versions of the Xbox 360 which were the Xbox 360 fat, Xbox 360 slim, Xbox 360 slim which looks more boxy.

But, the Xbox 360 did have a bad reputation of breaking with a red ring of death, so I think the Xbox 360 had different designs, so some people may forget about the reliability problems of the original fat Xbox 360 which overheated and break more often.
It's possible I guess, but I don't know if I like the idea of it being smaller. I'd rather have sufficient air flow for the console to prevent overheating. Sometimes 'too small' isn't a good thing.

Iirc that’s what was one of the main issues with the original 360 that caused a lot of the RROD issues. The case was too compact for the components, and it caused overheating. Not sure what magic they used for the redesign, unless just smaller parts for better airflow.
It's possible I guess, but I don't know if I like the idea of it being smaller. I'd rather have sufficient air flow for the console to prevent overheating. Sometimes 'too small' isn't a good thing.

That is true, the smaller case may make it more likely to overheat. But, I think console parts like the processor and video chips sometimes get redesigned in the future, so the parts use less power, and generate less heat, so they may not overheat as often even when the case is smaller like how the Xbox 360 Slim is less likely to overheat than the bigger versions of the Xbox 360 which suffer more from overheating problems.