Do you think TV Remote controls can be a popular standalone mobile gaming devices like tablets?


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I think there is a possibility that most remote controls will have a 5 inch LCD screen on the front of the remote in the future, and come with a more advance operating system like Android, more storage space, faster CPUs and videochips. Remotes maybe a popular way to play mobile games in the future if remote controls become more advance where they have a LCD screen, and a more advance operating system like Google Android.

Many kinds of TV Remote controls like Smart TV, and DVD/Blu-Ray remote controls have a number pad, and basic directional buttons, so it maybe good for playing simple games like snakes, endless running games, simple racing games, and Puzzle games like Tetris.
TV remotes do not need to become gaming handhelds...
TV remotes do not need to become gaming handhelds...

I agree TV remotes don't need to become gaming handhelds. But, I feel eventually a TV remote control company may think it is a good idea to turn a remote controls into a gaming handhelds by adding a small screen to a tv remote, and a joystick to play games like Pac-man.

I remember when many people said cell phones don't need to be able to play games, and now there are smartphone games, and a few smartphones which look like gaming handhelds.