Do you think VR will be the future?


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Personally I see VR only viable in games that utilize sitting down first-person view, so that being basically just racing games, as the rest would require movement and using a controller for that would kill the immersion completely.
I think it will be the future. There are VR systems that include controls where you can interact with objects in the virtual world. I've seen some YouTubers play horror games and simulation games in VR, and it's at a different level than what we play right now. Playing a horror game in VR will make it seem like you are there and scare you even more.
I hope it will be apart of the future, not the future. I'm not wild about it and don't care if there is a little space between me and the image I am seeing.
I hope it doesn't become a dominant part of gaming since it doesn't seem like it'd be good for anything that doesn't have a first person display which could cause more games to be like that.
VR is more of a supplementary experience at this point rather than a core gameplay experience. I hope this changes in the future, from the looks of things in the Mixed Reality realm, that might end up being the next evolution in gaming.
I feel the expensive VR headsets and VR ready devices like Xbox One X and PS4 Pro will keep people away from playing VR at home. VR will mainly be used at a amusement park, arcade, gaming convention like E3, and richer people who can afford VR, and the expensive computers, game consoles, and smartphones/tablets which can be used for VR Gaming.
Augmented reality will eventually take its place. It will give us a virtual world to play with, like VR, but implemented into our daily lives.