If science did not exist, the world would not have the nuclear bombs or any weapons in general like guns, spears, bow n' arrows, swords, tanks, etc since all weapons and most biological weapons are the product of science. But, I still feel people will use their bare-hands, feet, teeth, head, and body as a weapons to fight for food, mates, and power like gorillas and other types of monkeys.
We won't have two world wars, the Vietnam wars, Gulf and Middle East war and ancient wars in Egyptian and Roman times since I got a feeling by the time you walk across the world to fight someone. You won't have much time left to fight.
Global warming and over hunting of animals won't exist if science and technology did not exist since these are problems which humans created because of their greed for food and money. Plus, war uses a lot of gas, energy, and resources which does not help the earth.
On one hand, I have to agree because peace would be more around, but then again, we wouldn't have a lot of cool things, like all pieces of technology. They are related to science.
I have to agree with you a lot of the cool stuff like computers would not exist. But, I think people will just find other ways to entertain themselves like throwing mud at each other, swimming, kicking and throwing fruit and other objects around. Older people probably just find girl friends and boy friends for having a good time.
Science doesn't have to do with guns. That's where engineers come in. Spears arent scientific at all. Native Americans used spears and bows with arrows, and they knew nothing about science.
I think we're better off with a certain amount of science. Imagine all the deaths we would have with diseases that are easily curable. Wars would still be fought because man would still want to be the best and rival cultures would be snuffed out by others.
all science does is allow us to do more damage to ourselves and to our planet. with or without we would still wage war to anything we can see and would use our fists and feet.
all science does is allow us to do more damage to ourselves and to our planet. with or without we would still wage war to anything we can see and would use our fists and feet.
True, but war was started with out modern technology. If you think about it, anything can be used to inflict damage. Besides, without technology/science, amny people would die from disease, there would be less entertainment, and many discoveries would not have been found.