Do you think wikpedia is more reliable these days at posting the truth?


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Sometimes if the Wiki is actively edited, but I think there have been reports of people on Wikipedia by spreading false rumors.
The good thing about Wikipedia is it is written by people all over the world with different "points of view", so there is less chance of someone with a twisted or radical point of view from spreading false rumors or half-true stuff.
as long as the sources are well sited then yes as wiki can be a good source of info.
If you are in college or high school, it is better to use the source links for citing sources in essays since a lot of teachers sadly still don't recognize Wikipedia as a valid source of information.
If you are in college or high school, it is better to use the source links for citing sources in essays since a lot of teachers sadly still don't recognize Wikipedia as a valid source of information.

very true, teachers see and experience one bad thing from wiki and they label it bad for life.
Librarian also dislike Wikipedia. They say Online paid encyclopedia and article databases are more reliable, but I'm not sure how often the articles are updated when there is a recent event.
Well, that also depends on which subject the article belnogs to. Subjects such as economics and politics need to be updated frequently, but for instance ancient history wouldn't require updates that often.
Those Computer Software Encyclopedias are pretty good as well. I remember being at the library and watching videos of "a dog chasing its tail, Space shuttle launch, and random videos of stuff" on some Encyclopedia software which the computer library has. I think it was called Microsoft Encarta.

This was before affordable high speed internet.
what's the problem? you can always check the information on wikipedia on other internet sites, if you are doubting the validity of your information. i always check my info on many places before trusting on it.