Do you think you are anonymous when you are online?


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As long as you do not break a serious law, or offend anyone on purpose, for the most part the internet is anonymous since almost no one would care who I am in real life because I posted "Awesome!" on somebody's video.

But, if you put some sexy picture of yourself on Facebook, you are more likely to get more stalkers who can't find a real person for a relationship.

But, once you break the law by downloading and sharing tons of pirated music videos the MPAA and RIAA can find people who illegally downloaded their movies and music.

The FBI, CIA, Men In Black, law enforcement can also find scammers, perverts, and other criminals online by pretending to be the victims, and using software, hacks, and tricks to find a person.

I also believe a lot of Internet Service Providers also work with law enforcement to catch dangerous criminals who use the internet to stalk people. Plus, there have been stories of other Xbox 360 owners stoping crazy Xbox live members from going to school to kill.
as long as you don't do a thing and just stay a quite little man on the net you will remain anonymous. But if you start doing a lot of shady things chances are good the government will start to take notice of you.