Do you use.....?


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Do you ever use any kind of guide or walk through when playing video games? Why or why not? Do you use them sparingly or all the time?
I use to buy guide books a lot for my RPGs, now I just mainly use GameFAQS should I ever get lost.
I recall buying guides back in the PS2 era, even for games like Ratchet & Clank. I haven't bought any since then, honestly you can just look up anything you'd need so if anything a guide is just for collector value.
I use a guide depending on the game, and what the guide is for. For example, one of the many game is "The Sims 4". I use PDF guides from Simsvip for reference to certain items I need or like for the house, or certain steps required to get a promotion in my Sim's job, but I don't really ever use a "walk through" guide for anything, I like to figure out the game on my own, and play it start to finish with as little guidance as possible.
I rarely buy a guide. It has to be a game I really, really like for me to get the guide for it as well. Like demon_skeith, I mostly just use GameFAQS if I ever get stuck.
I rarely buy a guide. It has to be a game I really, really like for me to get the guide for it as well. Like demon_skeith, I mostly just use GameFAQS if I ever get stuck.
I wonder what the sales of guides are like now that we're in the internet age. Like, I figure they had to be way more profitable back in the day, right?
I know guide prices have gone up.
Yeah, that makes sense. I assume there's a core market of people who just like physical guides and will continue to buy them. They're definitely a smaller market however and for this reason the price has had to gone up to reflect that.
If I need to, I'll find a guide on GameFAQs or Youtube or something. I never buy strategy guides any more.
I only check walkthrough videos for glitches and/or tricks and for certain missions that I may be having trouble getting through
I only check walkthrough videos for glitches and/or tricks and for certain missions that I may be having trouble getting through

I normally do the same thing. Most I can figure out but if I can stuck then I'll get use a walkthrough to get me past that one section.