Do you want a regular job or an epic job?


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It is important for me to have a job, so I can pay the bills.

But, it will be epic if my job was related to "making an awesome video game like Super Smash bros".
To me, I already have an epic job. I get to help save people's lives and take care of them when they need it the most. To me, it doesn't get much more epic than that.
And Ill be there fixing the computers that you guys use to help figure those things out. LoL.
I want to be a teacher right now in the
future. Google "What teachers make
taylor mali" and it will shed some light
on the subject. Watch the vid, it won't
fail to impress. Teachers give something
that can't be taken away. It's always
there, lurking within a forgotten realm but
still there, something that is needed
to survive in a dog eats dog world,
smarts, all in use somewhere and
a true privllage that sets us apart,
and that is a gift to give. That every
one of us can give but chose not to.