When you look for a partner to start a romantic relationship, do you want her/him to be a gamer too? Does your partner's interest in gaming matter? Would her/his dislike of video games be a deal-breaker?
Like a live girl who is a gamer? Wow, that's rare!!! haha.
Nah, it doesn't really matter to me. Most of my previous parters were not gamers but all of them enjoyed watching me play some of the cool games. I don't like women who are afraid to touch a controller though.
I couldn't be with a women who thought that gamers are idiots and doesn't get it at all. Mainly because they wouldn't appreciate my interest that I do in my spare time.
I've been gaming since 91 and I've only met 2 gamers who are girls. The rest were more into the "gaming girl" label than anything else. I think searching for a girl who seriously games as a hobby is near impossible.
My partner plays video games occasionally but doesn't play video games on a regular basis like I do. They say they don't have the patience for most video games. It is okay with me if they don't play video games as much as I do because we share other interests.