Do you watch movies only after reading reviews?


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So, do you guys usually watch movies after getting enough info about them?
What about trailers? Do you watch them as well?
Some I do, others I dive in blindly.
I will watch the trailer but I never read or watch reviews. I will end up liking the movie if the reviews say the movie is horrible....this usually ends up happening 99% of the time. So I never go by reviews. Plus, I don't want to want to end up spoiling the movie for myself when looking at reviews. I want to be surprised when I watch the movie.
I used to watch a lot of random movies on TV channels, and I dont usually read reviews for movies shown on TV.
If I’m on the fence I will, but if I’m already interested in it, I’ll just go in blind.

I always go in blind. If I'm on the fence about something, I'll wait and rent it so I can watch it at home rather than going to the movies.
I never had the habit of watching trailers.
Usually I go with reviews and summaries rather than trailers xD