Do you watch movies with duration more than 3 hours?

Guess i'd watched them but I mostly forward them xd
I don't like to watch but few exceptions are there like Avengers. If a movie ends within 1 hour 45 minutes i will be happy.
Every once in a while I sit down and watch one of those super long movies, but I really have to get into the right mindset before I do. That means being sufficiently awake, having enough snacks, and preferably a person to watch the movie with. And whenever I actually do take the time to watch such a movie, it is worth it! You
Watching a movie for more than 3 hours is way too long for me, and I feel like I would fall asleep within those 3 hours. I must be entertained.
If I was going to the cinemas and or renting the film for 24hours and it's on for over three hours long then you get your money's worth :) and I do like that and don't fuss me. That's if the film isn't boring and or just crap.

Cinemas charge you the same prices and the same amount for any time length film and that's just out of order. Aren't many that are 3 hours long.
Not in theatres, no, but at home sure. I can take as many breaks as I want for good and restrooms - the invention of Netflix has been a massive game changer obviously.
I see
That's great guys but usually I don't watch it in parts. So for me, watching a longer movie takes a bit of time....
I enjoy watching long 3 hour movies at a movie theatre with air conditioning in the summer, and the speaker sound system and video screen makes the movie more fun to watch.

I feel going to the movie cinema to watch a long movie is a good escape from the hot summer heat and large crowds on the street where sometimes people push each other by accident or on purpose for some reason.
I can't even remember if I've watched loads of movies with long durations. The only ones I can think of are the newer Marvel films really. I don't mind them if they're good because you usually don't notice the duration
Titanic IS one of those movies that is 3 hours long and yet I seen it more then once and I don't mind it being that length of time