Does anyone else not get games for Christmas or their Birthday any more?


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It's not because of any lack of personal interest or financial problems, but simply because I like to get games on release date now. Why wait another few months when I can get the game far earlier?

Because of this, I don't think I'm ever going to end up getting a game or system for Christmas or my birthday ever again, it's just too impractical and causes me to lose out to competitors/websites which get games the minute they're released.

Not to mention that I like beating the game before others do, which is kind of difficult if you end up getting the game even a week afterwards.

Does anyone else feel the same way? Has anyone else never got a game or system for Christmas or their birthday simply because they'd prefer to get it on release day?
I get games for Christmas and my Birthday. I mean I got Tekken and Paper Mario Sticker Star for Christmas.
Nah. I just get dissapointed because I get games I already have. When I was opening that present, and saw FINAL FANTASY written on the fron I was really excited. But it was FF VIII. One of the three FF games I have. I'll sell it for £70 or $90, if someone wants it. Its in pretty good condition.
I normally just get a bunch of money and then spend that on games later. I don't usually ask for specific games anymore.
I cant recall ever purchasing a game on the release date. Mostly because until recently I did not pay attention to release dates.
I get money around $200 which in that case I do buy a game with some of that money but I usually buy new clothes and Itunes cards and phone cases
Yeah I get games when they come out, cant stand waiting for months for a game when I could just get it at the release date.

same here, hate waiting. luckely most 3ds games are cheaper then xbox ps3 pc games(about 60 euro for a triple A release....)