Does Anyone Else Play Papers, Please?


Well-Known Member
I feel like this game should not be fun yet I find myself spending so long looking at peoples passports, comparing them against the appropriate documents, and then inevitably denying them. What is it that makes this game addicting? And what are some of the other endings? I have only gotten a few of them. One where the director of boarder security puts me in jail and then the stock one where you fail to many people.
I've only played the game for about an hour or two, but it's quite a unique expereince. Personally, while I liked what I played, it honestly felt stressfull to me. Having to deal with the changes in rules on a day to day basis, having to constantly check and compare documents etc, all kind of stressed me out. It is a very cool game, and I'm glad to see unique  games like this one come out.
This game was weirdly addicting. It felt like work, and after one or two in-game work days, I just wanted to put it down, but only a few hours later, I really wanted to play more Papers, Please. I liked all the options they gave you in the middle of your work day; you could try to get a few more dollars to keep your family alive and comfortable, you could obey the rules exactly and get shat on by the government for all of your hard work, or you could play politics and influence the revolution.
sidd230 said:
This game was weirdly addicting. It felt like work, and after one or two in-game work days, I just wanted to put it down, but only a few hours later, I really wanted to play more Papers, Please.
That's exactly how I felt! I thought "Why am I sitting here doing work..." Then after a day I couldn't wait to get back to it. The game he's (the one guy who made it himself) is now making a murder mystery game that takes place on a ship from U.S. to Europe. If it's anything like Papers, Please it should be pretty cool or at least unique.
Yep, I played it. I saw a review of it on IGN and wanted to try it out myself so I got the game. It's interesting for the first hour or so. However, checking documents become more tedious. I find it a bit hard in the later levels. Still, I children's the game for being so simple and taking a supposedly boring task and make it interesting for a while.
Oooh, loved this game! Couldn't put it down for a couple of days when I started last summer. I got a couple of different endings,but never tried getting some that I'd like. I like the moral-questioning decision you have to make, also loved that one dude that kept coming back and yet he never got angry at you for not letting him pass.
I played that game when it came out on steam. I thought it was interesting so I tried it out. In my opinion the game is interestingly boring, your job is always the same thing but it can entertain you for a while. I really liked some random events that happened sometimes, like for example a guy comes to you and gives you a note and you have to figure it out and give it to another guy. I guess it has multiple endings? You get to do a lot of choices in this game.

I would rate it 7/10, this game is addicting, I don't know why because it's always the same thing. But I enjoyed it a lot? Maybe it has some sort of hypnosis?  :lmao:
I haven't yet purchased this game, and my "anti-buying" feelings makes me feel that I really shouldn't pick this up, regardless of how interesting it looks. I have seen quite a few gameplays of it, so I have some basic idea of how the game works though.

It's very reasonable that people get addicted to this game pretty easily. After all, the game is playing on your "perfection senses", it challenges you to be as strict as possible with your controls, and I must say that there are some pretty funny scenes/scenarois/characters in this game... Haha... I should probably step away from my forced anti-buying of steam games, and pick this one up now that it's summer sale and all... It looks so fun :)