Does anyone really think this will be the last console generation?


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I've seen people talk about it before:

But to be honest, I think they're absolutely insane to think this is a possibility. Generations kind of build hype, and their use as a marketing technique seems to be more important to the industry than their technical necessity.

So what do you think? Is this actually a possibility? Or just a silly meme going around with no proof for it?
It doesn't make sense any way you slice it. The NX has some heavy rumors behind it now, so that alone would mark a new generation. And even then, I think these companies come up with ideas as soon as the current one is announced.

Honestly, until gaming isn't profitable, there will always be a new generation.
This one? No, no-no-no-noh.
As we are right now, I think there will be at the very, very least, one more generation. I think only i three more generations is when it might become so that the competition will have to rely more in games content than specs. Then it might be possible updating internally and stuff becomes more viable. Right now the cloud system is still a mess and specs are still being shoved around like a flagship. Just ask the Wii U how it gets snubbed for it.
LOL, that's as good an answer as any.

It's usually nutcases who think everything's a cellphone that say this though. The kind that think because phones have short upgrade cycles, so should every other business.

But no, games are not phones.
Not even close to the last generation. I've read that whatever happens in the next 20 yeaars, will make the last 20 years look like they never happened - because it will be so much more significant of an advancement in technology. Now if we think realistically about this, in the last 20-30 years we've seen the inventions of both the Home PC, Internet, from dial up, to what it is today, and cell phones, first that could only make calls, and now that are like lil mini computers. We've seen games go from 8 bit to photo realism, and we've made many advancements in biotechnology to improve the health and lifespan of human kind. But yet, we are only on the cusp of technological breakthroughs, and it's not something that we're going to have to wait hundreds of years to see, it's going to happen in our life time. Whatever "it" is, it's going to be huge (perhaps artificial intelligence, or virtual reality (which we're just now on the cusp of), or perhaps something we can't even immagine yet. Technology is advancing faster than we can even understand.

It may be that we don't "need" graphical improvements in games, but there may be technologies that we can't really even imagine yet, that could come along in the next 20 years that require new hardware to take advantage of.