Does anyone use afterglow controllers?

Dark Young Link

Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
I see them in stores all the time and they look pretty cool. However any off brand controllers usually suck and don't work properly after a while. I was wondering if anyone here owns one so they could tell me if it's any good or not.

If you don't know what I'm talking about it's the controllers that glow.

Unfortunately I haven't used any of these.

There are some controllers you can trust and others you can't I'm afraid. For example, I bought a $20 PC controller that looked almost like a PS2 controller. It broke after a few months so I got an Xbox 360 PC controller and THAT made one of my games (Sonic Adventure DX, I'm looking at you!) go all weird with the camera. I than got ANOTHER PC controller that looks similar to a 360 controller, and it hasn't failed me yet (except on Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing where the game only accepts the 360 controller).

I DID buy two wireless Gamecube controllers only several years ago and they still work with no problems. Even the Turbo still works.
Yeah. I bought a Wii controller from Nyko or something like that and it was the worst thing ever. It broke while I was playing NSMBW. The 2 button stopped working.
I have a red one for my Gamecube. Cheap ass plastic they use for it though. I would advise to not throw the controller, or let siblings use/drop it.
They seem cheap, and by the looks of it, it is.