Does anyone use Reddit?


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I use it occasionally, but to be honest... I don't think my types of subreddits are really active enough to make it something I'd use more regularly.

I mean, the Wario one over there is literally ten times less active than my dedicated Wario fan site. So no point doing much there, especially when I'd be competing against my own commercial interests.

And similar things go for other sections. Nintendo ones are usually not active enough to outweigh the likes of this site or Nintendo Life or GoNintendo, the emulation ones are made fairly pointless by sites like ROM and a few others I visit..

But do you use Reddit?
I don't even know what reddit is. Let me look at it.

o_o It's some how more cluttered than Tumbler... I don't think I could use the site. The layout just flat out give me a headache.
Reddit's format is too frustrating for me to use…finding anything is a pain in the butt, and it's not always trivial to pick out the good from the bad. I'm a member on Imgur, however…much easier to keep track of things, and the image-focused concept appeals to me quite a bit.
I've only ever gone to two Reddits that I can recall, the Reddit for Trove, and one called "Explain Like I'm Five". ELI5 is a great read actually, I like browsing that one a lot. People come up with the damndest questions I'd never even think to ask of, but as soon as I read them am really interested to know the answer. Otherwise I'm not much for Reddit, I don't like the format, like a forum but more jumbled and frankly, really, really ugly...
The reddit for Twitch Plays Pokemon was the easiest way to track progress, but other than that, Reddit is awful. It suffers the same issue as Imgur though, downvoting and upvoting. Dissenting opinions get downvoted to oblivion so they can't even be seen, no matter how valid they are. The circle jerk never ends.
I like the youtube haiku board. It's a great place to find cool videos. that particular board just feels like it has the kind of stuff a friend might send you cause it's funny, but as most of the posts. to me at least.

I actually agree with both Brunn and DYL. As an 'older' member (for lack of a better word) I'll state that not everyone uses the newer social media or hosting websites that the Millenials use. I'd heard of reddit but never went until I saw your lame one-word insult of a reply to DYL. I mean, there are much better websites with a much nicer and cleaner presentation and layout that have existed since the 90's, so why would I bother using that convoluted mess of whatever? Same as I feel about Tumbler. If I want to host an image I have photobucket or tinypic to go to. If I want video there is dailymotionvideo. All three are very well organized by category (although tinypic used to be VERY jumbled before they added log-ins and accounts; when they only used tags I went by Sanguine and so did like 3 other people, so I had a lot of images tagged as such that weren't my own) and the last two do not have censoring so you can post anything regardless of what it would be rated.
For those of you who don't use Reddit at all, or like me, don't use it much. Here's a great video that explains why it can be so awesome.

I still think it's ugly, and comparatively annoying to move around in then traditional forums, but that's likely just me being set in my ways, as people tend to get the older they become. Also, the rest of that guys videos are freaking awesome, been watching them all day. Highly recommend!
So, given that Reddit's having a meltdown at the moment, does anyone use Voat?

It's an interesting Reddit alternative with a far greater emphasis on freedom of speech and much less in the way of rules. I quite like it so far.
This is what you call a Necro post lol, and because this already exists....who browses Reddit today? I sometimes use it for gaming and movies and what have you, also to shit post on a few others lol.
I use reddit quite frequently nowadays. I’m active on their seo section and I browse their technology section a lot. I’m also apart of a few games subreddit’s so I can get an eye on their upcoming news and trends.
I use Reddit at least once a month just to check out what's going on in the subreddits that I have an interest in. And to be honest there is not much going on anymore. Nothing like the busyness of this forum. I come here every day and there are always new posts to read. Which keeps me coming back.
I have it but only use it when searching Lego info like finding Collectible Minifigures correctly in retailers using a QR scanner, or old threads for coding or gaming information. I'm mever actively trying to post or anything.
I use reddit to find news stories, but I'm not active on Reddit because I don't like the look of Reddit's website template. I prefer more modern looking forums, blogs, and social networks.
This is what you call a Necro post lol, and because this already exists....who browses Reddit today? I sometimes use it for gaming and movies and what have you, also to shit post on a few others lol.
I'm of the mind, if it's still on a forum, it's okay to post as long as one adds to it. I don't mind necroposting on my own forum either. :)
I have heard of Reddit & browsed it from time to time but I still prefer forums.
I don't use Reddit for anything. I'll check out some news on it, but only vaguely. When something cool comes across my worldview, I'll see it.

Reddit is difficult to use as a regular new user. I can post, easily... but it's the moderation system that really grinds my gears. I bet it has gotten much worse since I last used it.