Does it bother you when people pronounce words badly?


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It depends on the word like if someone mispronounce an anime or video game title which I love then it can get kind of annoying since hearing people mess up the title by saying it badly can get irritating.

But, for words I do not care about, I don't really care if it is mispronounce.
Since I live in the south, a lot of people pronounce "idea" like "idear". I get so annoyed with it, because there is clearly no R in idea.
I often hate it when some can't pronounce my name right when it may not be so hard, but I do respect some who do have a difficult time pronouncing words that may originate from a different language or country.
I kind of dislike it when people pretend to have British, and German accents since it sounds fake and annoying like Madonna talking in her fake British accent instead of talking like an American.
